We understand that navigating the journey of breast cancer treatment can be challenging, and we’re here to help lighten your load.
If you’re a breast cancer patient seeking assistance for travel to medical appointments or treatments, you’ve come to the right place. Our comprehensive list of transportation resources is here to help you get the support you need. These organizations offer a variety of services, from local rides to medical appointments to assistance with travel for specialized treatments.
Please note that eligibility and costs can vary. Some providers may require insurance or that you’re currently receiving treatment at a specific location. We recommend contacting the provider listed directly to plan ahead and ensure you meet any necessary requirements.
Our Resource Coordinator is also here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance getting connected with these resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Nikki at nikki@vbcf.org or call 800-345-8223 ext. 205.
We’re here to support you every step of the way on your journey. Let’s navigate this path together.
National & Statewide
Virginia Navigator’s Interactive Transportation Resources Hub
This website provides transportation resource options all over Virginia. Also offers articles, books, links, and videos to help you find the travel help you need. You can also sign up to Ask an Expert for extra assistance.
Website: Senior Navigator – Transportation Services
VA Department of Medical Assistance Services
If you have Medicaid, you may be eligible for transportation assistance. DMAS is responsible for administering Virginia Medicaid’s Fee For Service (FFS) Emergency Ambulance and Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation (NEMT) services. DMAS FFS transportation services include Emergency Air, Emergency Ground, Neonatal Ambulance and NEMT services. If you are enrolled in a Managed Care Organization (MCO) plan and eligible for transportation, please contact your MCO plan for NEMT transportation arrangements.
Member Handbook
Care reimagined! By harnessing the strength of community, Naborforce provides on-demand light assistance and social engagement for independent older adults. Nabors can help with running errands, getting to appointments, and more.
Website: www.naborforce.com
Richmond: 804-258-6764
Charlottesville: 434-424-1500
Virginia Beach: 757-317-5500
Angel Flight East
(14 states on the East Coast)
Provides free flights to treatment far from home using general aviation. If a family member would like to join you, but they are not local, they also qualify for a free flight. Passengers must be medically stable and able to step up 18 inches to enter through a small door.
Website: www.angelflighteast.org
Phone: 215-358-1900
Email: mbeck@angelflighteast.org
The American Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery Program –
The American Cancer Society has reopened its Road to Recovery program in several communities across the country and is working to expand after its COVID-19 closures. Depending on your needs and what’s available in your area, they may be able to coordinate a driver for you.
Website: https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/road-to-recovery.html
Phone: 1-800-227-2345
CancerCare’s Financial Assistance
CancerCare offers limited assistance for transportation, home care, and child care for people who qualify.
Website: https://www.cancercare.org/financial
Phone: 800-813-HOPE (4673)
The Corporate Angel Network
Corporate Angel Network (CAN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients access the best treatment by arranging free travel on corporate aircraft. Business jet travel makes it possible for patients, especially those located in areas with minimal airlines access, to travel to specialized medical centers. Participation is open to all cancer patients, as well as bone marrow and stem cell donors and recipients. Patients may travel as often as necessary and there is no financial requirement.
Website: https://www.corpangelnetwork.org/
Phone: 914-328-1313
Email: info@corpangelnetwork.org
Manifest Now Wellness Transportation Services
Manifest Now Wellness Transportation Services provides programs that cater to dialysis/cancer treatment drop-off/pick-up, senior citizens’ daycare travel, and errands for homebound patients due to surgery or mobility limitations. Fill out the inquiry form, and a Manifest representative will reach out to discuss our programs.
Website: https://manifestnowcoaching.com/wellness-transportation-services
Contact: Dana Holmes/Manifest Now Coaching, LLC
Phone: 443-449-0703
Email: info@manifestnowcoaching.com
Mercy Medical Angels
The compassionate team at Mercy Medical Angels is ready to help you and your caregiver with transportation to life-changing, life-saving medical care across the U.S. Request assistance for transportation on the ground with gas cards, bus or train tickets, or in the air with flights flown by volunteer pilots or the commercial airlines. Apply online.
Website: https://www.mercymedical.org/request-assistance
Email: info@mercymedical.org
Region 1 - Central VA
Access on Demand
Access on Demand assists qualifying Chesterfield county residents in securing private rides for trips such as medical appointments, grocery shopping, or visits to family or friends. There is a $6 co-pay for each trip, although longer trips may require a higher co-pay. Riders must provide a credit or debit card number to service providers for the co-pay. Vouchers cannot be accepted for Access on Demand. If you don’t have the $6 co-pay for the trip, please contact Mobility Services, they may be able to help.
Website: https://www.chesterfield.gov/4219/Access-on-Demand
Phone: 804-706-2796, or 804-745-1818
Hanover DASH
This is a countywide specialized transportation service for residents of Hanover County age 60+ or those with a short-term or long-term disability. All one-way rides are a flat rate of $8.00.
Website: www.hanovercounty.gov/1000/HanoverDASH
Phone: 804-365-DASH (3274)
Ride Assist Services
Ride Assist Services is a community agency that advocates for independent-living seniors in Powhatan County who are unable to drive themselves for basic needs by coordinating volunteer transportation.
Website: www.powhatanva.gov/1795/Ride-Assist-Services
Phone: (804) 698-0438
Email: RAServices.PVA@gmail.com
Senior Connections
(City of Richmond, Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, and Powhatan)
Senior Connections offers a comprehensive range of Home and Community-Based Services for older adults, caregivers, and persons with disabilities.
Website: www.seniorconnections-va.org
Phone: (804) 343-3000
Email: seniorconnections@youraaa.org
Virginia HandiRide
(Madison and surrounding counties)
Virginia HandiRide offers a variety of primary and specialty services for those seeking Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, including assistance for the excursion. The organization is government contracted for Medicaid and their vans are all government inspected to ensure safety on your ride. No Medicaid? No problem! They have the cheapest private pay rates in the region.
Website: virginiahandiride.weebly.com
Phone: (540) 738-0408 or (540) 948-4855
Region 2 - Tidewater
Tidewater Medical Transportation
Tidewater Medical Transport is a woman-owned and operated emergency and non-emergency transport company in Tidewater. Offering Basic Life Support Ambulance, Advanced Life Support Ambulance, Specialty Care Ambulance, and Special Events Stand-by. These involve the transportation of patients from home, rehabilitation facilities, assisted living, or long-term nursing care facilities to doctors’ appointments, cancer treatment centers, hospitals, rehabilitation services, or other outpatient services.
Website: https://www.tmtambulance.com/
Phone: (757) 399-0999
Email: info@tmtambulance.com
Charity Transport from Charity Care Group
Charity Transport, LLC is a helping-hand organization geared toward assisting individuals in meeting their non-emergency transportation needs. Transportation services include stretchers, wheelchairs, and ambulatory transport. If eligible, transportation is available 24/7.
Phone: (757) 226-9916
Email: info@charitycaregroup.org
Website: https://seniornavigator.org/program/78902/charity-transport-llc or https://www.charitycaregroup.org/
I-Ride Transit Medical Rides
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia provides I-Ride Transit, accessible transportation options in South Hampton Roads and Western Tidewater. One such service is medical transportation by appointment. They offer safe, reliable transportation for non-emergency medical appointments. This service is for adults, aged 60+ and those with disabilities. You must call ahead to schedule and eligibility is based on a passenger’s age, Medicaid coverage, and other criteria. For passengers not covered by Medicaid, a voluntary contribution of $4.00 is suggested.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SSSEVA
Phone: For service in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, and Virginia Beach – call (757) 222-4513. For service in Franklin, Suffolk, Isle of Wight, and the surrounding Western Tidewater area – call (757) 516-8556.
Email: services@ssseva.org
Region 3 - Northern Neck
Bay Transit
Bay Transit is the public transportation authority of Bay Aging, a charitable, nonprofit organization serving seniors and people with disabilities for over 30 years. Bay Transit provides on-demand service and offers a handful of fixed routes in some communities. Bay Transit serves all people, of all ages, for all reasons.
Website: https://www.baytransit.org/
Phone: (804) 250-2011
New Freedom Transportation
New Freedom, a program of Bay Aging, is a transportation service providing seniors and individuals with disabilities the ability to attend medical appointments, shop, work and attend social and recreational events even for travel outside of Bay Transit’s service area and/or service hours.
Website: https://www.baytransit.org/new-freedom/
Phone: (877) 869-6046
Email: knewman@bayaging.org
Region 4 - Northern VA
Wheels for Women
(Metro DC & Baltimore)
In 2019 the Brem Foundation in partnership with Lyft, launched Wheels for Women, a ride-sharing program exclusively dedicated to providing transportation to breast care for women in need. Wheels for Women offers free transportation to and from breast screening and diagnostic exams, ensuring that women have access to vital breast care. If you are being treated in Northern VA or the Washington D.C./Baltimore area, check with your care provider to see if you can sign up.
Website: https://www.bremfoundation.org/accessforwomeninneed
Region 5 - Valley
Part of Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living, Inc., Dial-a-Ride provides transportation services for people over 60.
Website: https://www.cvacl.org/transportation
Phone: (434) 385-9070
Bedford Ride
An award-winning volunteer program that provides easy and affordable transportation to non-emergency medical services on a first-come-first-serve basis. Bedford Ride drivers are carefully screened and thoroughly trained volunteers who are caring, compassionate, and considerate. They drive safely, protect passenger confidentiality, and treat everyone with respect. Following assessment and eligibility determination, individuals will be able to schedule a ride with at least two-business days’ notice. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30.
Website: https://www.cvacl.org/transportation
Phone: (434) 385-9070
Region 6 - Western VA
LifeCare Medical Transports
LifeCare is a healthcare transportation provider that provides medical transportation for individuals who require transportation to medical appointments, dialysis treatments, and other outpatient medical care. Locations in Danville, Martinsville, and beyond.
Website: https://seniornavigator.org/program/77509/medical-transportation-danville
Phone: (540) 752-5883
Region 7 - Southwest VA
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens (AASC)
(Buchanan County, Dickenson County, Russell County, Tazewell County)
Offers door-to-door transportation throughout the four-county area for people receiving services through Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens, AllCARE for Seniors, or adults of any age with a disability. This also includes transportation to and from the seven nutrition sites.
Website: https://www.fourcountytransit.org/
Phone: 276-963-1486 or 888-656-2272
Email: cpatton@aasc.org
Region 8 - Southside VA
Non-emergency Medical Transportation from Piedmont Senior Resources Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
Provides non-emergency medical transportation for adults aged 60 and older. The vehicles are wheelchair accessible. They are able to transport clients to and from doctors and medical-related appointments. Service areas include Amelia County, Buckingham County, Charlotte County, Cumberland County, Lunenburg County, Nottoway County, Prince Edward County.
Phone: (434) 767-5588
Email: psr@psraaa.org
Website: https://www.facebook.com/piedmontseniorresources/
Paladin Medical Transport
(Cumberland County, Prince Edward County)
Paladin Medical Transport offers stretcher transportation services to Farmville and surrounding areas. You may call to make short notice appointments for non-emergency transportation. Wheelchair service is not available, only stretcher transportation. They are always on standby while clients attend their appointments and more.
Phone: (434) 315-5620
Email: paladinmedicaltransport@gmail.com
Website: https://paladintransport.org/
Need Help? VBCF is here for you.
Connect with our Resource Coordinator, Nikki Jennings. Call 1-800-345-8223, email help@vbcf.org or click the chat bubble at the lower right of this page.