Victory for the Lymphedema Community: The Lymphedema Treatment Act is Now Federal Law

After 12 years of hard work by volunteer advocates and their partners, the Lymphedema Treatment Act (LTA) was finally passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. This is a significant victory for the lymphedema community and a testament to the power of perseverance and advocacy.

Lymphedema is a condition that can develop due to the removal of or damage to lymph nodes as a part of cancer treatment. Although not everyone treated for breast cancer will develop lymphedema, it can occur days, months, or years after breast cancer treatment. The LTA improves coverage for treating lymphedema from any cause by amending the Medicare statute to cover medically necessary, doctor-prescribed compression supplies that are the cornerstone of lymphedema treatment.

The law will be effective beginning on January 1, 2024, giving the Federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services a year to write the rules to implement the coverage. This legislation relates specifically to a change in Medicare law; it would set a precedent for Medicaid and private insurers to follow.

While the LTA is a significant achievement, it’s important to note that there is still more work to be done to ensure that all individuals with lymphedema can access the treatments they need.

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